Tag Archives: love

I love.

14 Feb

While I attempt to come back down from that cloud labeled “nine” that was our trip to Savannah, I thought I’d grace all you love birds with an update on this St. Valentine’s Day. Our weekend get-away was fabulous. Perfect. Splendid. I’ll tell you all about it at a later date because I don’t have time to write a post that would do it justice.

For now, I’m going to link up with Jenn for another edition of (Mil)ing It Over. Todays topic? Love, of course!

I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day. It didn’t matter if I had a boyfriend of not. It’s just fun to show love and receive love from all those special people in life. My parents were those who went all out on such holidays- A card, some candy, just a simple gesture to let me know they were thinking of me. I remember one year, in fifth grade,  I was hoping that I was one of those lucky students who got a balloon sent to the office with their name on it. Walking by the office, I could see it was sprinkled with reds and pinks, flowers, and countless balloons. Then, I saw it! I was face to face with a life-sized Mickey Mouse balloon. He had arms and legs and was at my eye level! I thought that whoever got that was the luckiest girl/boy in the world. The time came for students to pick up what was waiting for them in the front office. My name was called! I felt so blessed as I walked down the hallway. I walked in and the secretary handed me the hand of Mickey Mouse- that balloon was mine!

I know this all sounds so cheesy, but isn’t that an integral part of Valentine’s Day? I was so happy to get that gift from my dad. Of course, it isn’t about the gifts that my parents showered me with. It just felt good to know they care about me and wanted me to be happy. Now, to this day, I can’t recall a Valentine’s Day when my dad failed to call me and ask me to be his Valentine.

V-Day is about telling all those people in your life that you love em! And I love that we have a day to celebrate that. All those bah-humbugs are missing out! Just because there’s a day set aside for us to remind our loved ones what they mean to us, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do it the rest of the year, as well. There’s no need to rain on the parades of those of us who do get downright obnoxious with our pinks and reds this time of year.

With all that said, Mom(and Joe), Dad (and Julie)- I love you bunches. Thank you for all the things you’ve done over the years to make me feel loved and special. 🙂

I also love my friends, my family, my Jesus, my husband, my dogs, my little baby growing inside, and so many other things-

Like…. blog awards! The other day, I got two of them in one day so I was pretty pumped! One is from Nina, a lady I envy from a far. This girl has got it all together! She lives in Anchorage, Alaska and stays busy working on a degree in Psychology, keeping physically fit, and exploring God’s green earth with her hubby. If you enjoy reading about outdoor fun in Alaska then check her out here: Adventures of a Lifetime

I received the Versatile Blogger award from her, but because I’ve already received it once or twice I’m going to skip all the rules. I still love getting blog awards so thank you very much, Nina!

The other one I landed was from the lovely, Lydia!

She is a newlywed Navy Wife so go over to her page and congratulate her! Thank you so much for the award, dear! As for the rules, I must share 7 things about myself-

1. I organized a gigantic box of greeting cards today.

2. I love the feeling ghost stories gives me.

3. Chocolate is a major food group in my world.

4. I come from a blended family, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

5. I love to scare my husband.

6. My 2nd trimester rocks thus far!

7. I just got a lovely bouquet of roses from Captain J that made my heart melt.

Now, I’m supposed to pass it on. I choose (drumroll please…)

Consider the Lillies.

Thanks for checking in with me on this beautiful, Georgia day. I hope you have all had a really swell day.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

Chocolate Love

12 Apr

I wanted to participate in Military Mondays again because I think it’s an excellent idea,  but hmmm…what to talk about? I wasn’t sure until I looked down at the solid Dove chocolate Easter bunny I’ve been nibbling on for about a week now and was brought back to my favorite piece of chocolate that I ever received.
Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

I still remember what I had on that day: navy blue cargo shorts, a teal colored Banana Republic shirt, and my Sperry’s. Boat shoes for crying out loud…like I was going out to a breezy, fun summer day. I wasn’t going out boating, though. I was sending my soldier back to the Middle East, back to very little communication, and as far away from me as I could imagine. I was crushed.

We arrived at McGhee Tyson Airport where the nice Delta attendants allowed us to accompany Captain J to the gate to see him off. I was so thankful to have those few extra minutes to say goodbye. After going through security, Captain J had a few last minute gifts and souvenirs to purchase for his Iraqi interpreters so we spent most of that time browsing and waiting in line to pay. I clung to each moment daring to think, ‘What if this is the last time I stand beside him?’ and ‘Surely, this isn’t the last hug.’

I had already decided I would show him how strong I can be so I had decided not to cry. This decision lasted all of a minute or two until the loud annoucement rang through the speakers that his plane was now boarding. The inescapable reality of our situation hit me and I buried my face, hoping that I at least could keep the desperate gasps for air that always seem to accompany my tears at a minimum.

Captain J looked into my teary eyes and managed to get out a sweet goodbye even though he could tell I had completely fallen apart.

I’m not kidding. Everyone was staring. I was a mascara-ey mess. We had already made it seven months apart, what was four months more? It was an eternity, that’s what it was. I think Captain J felt that way, too but he was strong when I was not.

He reached into one of the many pockets in his ACUs (uniform) and revealed to me a milk chocolate candy bar. I looked on in confusion as he said, “I knew you were going to need this.”

My husband knows me so well! I often find comfort in chocolate so his gesture was perfect. Even though no amount of words, encouragement, wine, or chocolate could ease my fears, the fact that he was concerned for me and was planning for me when he had to go away gave me great comfort. He was going to make it. We were going to make it.

It didn’t take long for me to scarf down the yummy goodness, but its effects were long lasting.

Being in the military, we are often faced with distance between us but it only challenges us and our relationship. It allows us to come closer together, despite all the miles in between.

Believe in good!

6 Apr

“Believe in good and you’ll be happy and useful.” – Elizabeth Towne

(Warning: Hippyish post of the week)

I brought out The Every Day Book again and paged into November (my real birthday as opposed to my fake facebook birthday 😉 )- November 7th to be exact. This quote by Elizabeth Towne was what I came to and what hopeful and profound words they are even still today.

I’ll be the first one to admit, I’m old school. I can often be caught muttering the words, “What is this world coming to?” It’s my half way serious reaction to various news reports or questionable gossip. I am simply amazed sometimes by some of the awful things I hear about going on in the world, in our country, and in our little towns. Why do we, as a society, dwell on negative news? It’s like a terrible car accident that we can’t drag our eyes away from. It’s like a drug we take daily as we turn on the news to hear the latest scandal. Just think of all those celebrities who we get to judge from the comfort of our couches and kitchen tables each day- Tiger, Jesse James, the Kardashians (and those are just this weeks latest!).

(Are you singing the Black Eyed Peas- “Where is the love” yet? Oh you’re not? Me either. Carry on.)

It’s so easy for us to believe that “the good ole days” are long gone. It’s easy to say that there’s not much good left in the world, too- especially if you tune into the news every day. But there’s hope! Just head over to your local airport and watch people as they get off their planes and run to get to their loved ones and jump in their arms. Ask a mother whose baby just learned to say “Mama.” I would venture to guess that if you went through your daily routine and made a conscious effort to pick out the good in it then you’d find plenty of love in the world. Sure, we could use a little more probably, but just because we may not see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Perhaps we’re all just not seeing.

I know my family has always reiterated the notion that “It’s all about how you look at it.”

I’m going to make an effort to look for love more often! Who is with me? 🙂


6 Mar

I roll over and there is emptiness. Nothingness. My soul is void of everything I have come to know. There are no dreams, no hope. There is only a giant weight pressed upon my heart and little else matters. How did I get to this place?

I look back to happier days when there was a loving, seemingly endless presence who easily integrated into my whole being. He was my life. Where is he now?

This is what I woke up to this morning. A terrible, horrible dream that J was gone. I didn’t know why. I didn’t know how. This isn’t the first time I’ve woken up in such a manner. I hate these dreams. It’s as if I’m alive but I’ll never truly be alive again because he’s..just..gone.

I talk a lot about not taking him for granted because I never know when the big, bad Army will swoop down and take him away again. These dreams are just another reminder: enjoy your time with him now.

I stumbled to my feet and into the kitchen for some coffee even though it was entirely too early to be awake on a weekend. I felt better when I began to feel the coffee energizing me for the day. I got out a pan and some tasty ingredients and whipped up a nice breakfast for me and my soldier. I’ll do all I can to make him happy because he is here today and today is all that matters. The future doesn’t exist. Not yet anyway.