Tag Archives: wasn’t me wednesday

It’s a St. Patty’s Day Edition of…

17 Mar

Wasn’t Me Wednesday!

  1. It wasn’t me who went back to bed until 10 am. I never do that. Why would I start now?
  2. It wasn’t me who abandoned my responsibilites at home to go hang with friends.
  3. It also wasn’t me who had Taco Bell for lunch. I would never!
  4. It wasn’t me who lazily vegged out on the couch in front of:

Yeah, you guessed it–Full House! Oh, wait..I just showed proof!

Have fun pinching the non green wearers today. I never do that and I’m not sure why. It’s the perfect time for mischief. J pinched me as I got out of bed this morning, which just isn’t very fair is it?

Instead of green beer and leprochans, we’re going out to dinner and then going to the grocery store. Old married couple! I wouldn’t have it any other way.

 And now I’ll leave you with an Irish blessing and a Happy St. Patrick’s Day from yours truly-

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Wasn’t Me Wednesday

24 Feb


1. It wasn’t me who ate cookies for breakfast. I would never do that!  

2. It wasn’t me who let Drifter sleep all day. I wouldn’t do that to my dear husband who wakes up with him in the middle of the night when Drifter won’t sleep.  

3. It also wasn’t me who neglected, yet again, to clean the kitchen.  

4. It wasn’t me who made plans to go out with a girlfriend tonight leaving J to his own devices for dinner.  

5. It wasn’t me who didn’t walk the dog today. I would never.



It wasn’t me!

3 Feb

It wasn’t me who decided that around 1100 I had accomplished enough for the day.

It wasn’t me who got in the hot tub at 1300 today while my hubby was slaving away at work.

It wasn’t me who drank most of and the rest of the chocolate milk for lunch.

It wasn’t me who lounged around all day and neglected my duties so that I could watch LMN.

Welcome to my first post of “Wasn’t Me Wednesday.” More to come 🙂