Tag Archives: knitting

knitting once more

26 Nov

Remember when I decided I would start knitting? Wellll…

I didn’t exactly follow through –until now! I finished the first scarf I ever attempted about a year later than when I began my little project. I have a lot of free time on the road so I’ve been plugging away! I even started another one for my dear hubby. Do you think he’ll wear it? Yeah…me either.

Anyway, here’s a look at my handy work…

We are getting off the ferry today! I’ll soon be back to my shenanigans on facebook and twitter. I’m quite positive I’ve been missed. Maybe.

P.S. It’s my sister’s birthday! Thank you, Paige, for creating the most beautiful, sweet, little nephews and niece in the entire world. I’m so thankful for you every single day. God blessed me when he made you my sister! I love you and I’ll see you soon 🙂

Hiking in Denali National Park- June 2010

Yummy Those Gummies

27 Jan

There went two hours of my life that I’ll never get back. I had to get enrolled in the insurance program with the army today so I went over to the hospital on post to take care of that. Jordan dropped me off and it took all of 15 minutes to accomplish. We estimated that it would take much longer. He had a meeting so I sat in the entry way and ate a whole bag of gummy worms out of boredom. I did listen to a sweet podcast on my iphone about our heavenly home so at least my mind was partly occupied for awhile.

I took a photo of the scarf I’m attempting for the MissImagination forum I’m a part of. Here it is (still incomplete)-

I guess I’m proud of it. It’s nice to attempt new activities. Hopefully I’ll get better at it as I spend more time knitting. Well, there’s not much new with me. Tomorrow is the big day when we can finally go over to our new place and start measuring and moving in. Friday will probably be when we (ahem..”I”) actually start moving most of our belongings over. Jordan will be working that day. I don’t mind, of course, it gives me something to do. Before I left the apartment today I started playing with my webcam- taking photos- because I was so bored…

Still in my robe 🙂 Hehe This is what happens when he leaves for work. I need to get involved in some volunteer work around Fairbanks. Anyone know of anything worthwhile? I googled some organizations that I might try out a few hours a week. I know I really need to get a real job, as well. I took a break from looking today, though. I keep getting texts asking if I’m still interested in the job that I applied for and if so to call 1-800… It’s driving me bonkers. Not much new to report on my end.

Knitting and Cabin Update

13 Jan

It’s another lazy day for me. I could get used to this! I have some household chores that I definitely should get to, but I will after I write this. I’ve been knitting today. It’s a fun new hobby for me. I just pick it up when I turn on the t.v. I don’t watch much television, though so who knows if I’ll ever finish the scarf. The first part of the scarf is loosely done, but it get’s progressively better as I go along. Here’s a picture of my progress thus far:

In other news, we’ve been aproved for the cabin! We are going to the realator’s office tomorrow to sign the lease and we are thrilled about it. It’s difficult to keep this small space (that we live in now) tidy because we really have outgrown it. It’s mostly all his army stuff that is difficult to organize. They issue so much stuff to him because of the cold climate here and he rarely uses any of it so it gets stuffed in closets and pelican cases all over the apartment and it all adds up. I’m looking forward to having a little more space. The cabin has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hottub, washer and dryer, fireplace, dishwasher, and a neat layout. Here’s a picture of the outside:

I look forward to sitting by the fire and reading a good book. I can’t wait to have a glass of wine while I sit in the hottub and look out into the Alaskan wilderness. It truly is goregeous here. I know a lot of my readers are from the military forum I’m a part of so I just want to say being stationed in Alaska isn’t the worst duty station you could get! It can be difficult with the extreme cold, but the beauty makes up for it tenfold!