Tag Archives: home

See ya.

28 Sep

Baby K and I…

well, we’re blowing this popsicle stand. We’re headed to greener more colorful pastures. Where are we going might you ask?

Well, we’re not tellin’….

But I guess we’ll take Daddy, too.

He IS pretty helpful when it comes to holdin’ the paci.

See ya in a few days 😉


Mrs. K and Baby K

Fair warning: most of this post is complainy

30 Jun

Oh, how I wish I had good news.

I don’t. I got nothin’.

Actually, that’s not entirely true, but I’ll leave that for last. Today, we were supposed to get our internet hooked up. After their “window” of time had closed shut, we called AT&T to ask why they never showed. Their response was that they didn’t provide internet in our area.

(Ok, so why did you allow us to make an appointment for that?)

Anyway, long story short…

AT&T says that they’ll be able to send someone out to survey the area and see if they could hook it up in our neck of the woods. Great. Perfect. But then they said they couldn’t send anyone for up to 10 more business days. And then there’s the chance that we would wait just to hear that it wasn’t an option.

This does not work for two graduate students attending online courses.

We don’t exactly trust AT&T after they neglected to actually call and cancel our appointment so now the only positive that was in my week is gone. I have no idea how I’m going to get these two research papers done without internet access at home. I can either spend time at the local library (with time restrictions on computer usage) or set up shop in a hotel again and use their internet.

I’ve been so annoyed recently. It’s just so expensive to pick up and move, especially after we just did it 8 months ago. Now, we’re wasting money on eating out (b/c we don’t have our pots/pans/etc), we’ll inevitably waste money on a hotel room b/c we need internet (b/c the Army will only pay for ten days), and then there are all the little expenses that add up.

We’re just completely broke at this point and that’s never an easy feeling when you’re getting ready to have another mouth to feed. I just pray that Baby K continues to get a healthy report. Heaven forbid they have to put me on bedrest or something because I DON’T HAVE A BED!

I have been really disappointed with this move because I don’t think waiting for a month on our furniture is the best they can do. We drove ten hours. It didn’t take us a month to get here. I know others are waiting on their belongings, too…but I can’t explain to you how much it sucks to be 8 months pregnant with nothing but the floor to sit on.

And that concludes my complaining for the day. Please forgive me.

The good news is- I talked to a midwife today who pulled strings, stepped on toes, and moved over some appointments just to fit me in. I love her soul. My appointment with the OB is tomorrow morning and I have an ultrasound appointment on July 7th! Woo hoo 🙂 Hoping for good news! *I would just like to add that Ft. Polk’s hospital staff has been very helpful. I’m definitely pleased with their service in helping me into the system so quickly and efficiently.

As promised, here are some photos of our new place-

He’s weird, but I love him.

Our backyard is huge. Drifter and Holly love it here. I have new pics of them, too but I’ll have to post those later. It’s Mrs. K’s bedtime.

I love Kirklands!

17 Jan

Yes,  Austin…you, too but I’m referring to the store one right now. Don’t you just love that place? I never got into the home stores much because for the majority of time that I spent living on my own, I was broke. There was no decorating my condo in college because all my money went toward paying bills and food. I just never had fun in those types of places. Now that there’s a little room for pretty things, look out! I still enjoy finding the bargain, though. Just this weekend, I bought lots of new goodies for the den area and saved about 300 bucks.

Might I remind you what this couch looked like in Alaska?

Pretty blah (and gross). We finally got the Drifter and Holly hair off the couch and they’re no longer allowed on the furniture. Anyway, this couch came with these awful pillows that I can’t seem to find a photo of. Trust me, they were wacky. I was looking forward to giving this furniture set a cheap makeover.

Enter den photos.

I also changed up the bedroom a tiny bit with a different pillow, sheets, and a new mirror. This mirror had been $150, I got it for $40 🙂

I spent the day finding bargains, thanks to the sale at Kirklands (no one contacted me or will compensate me for writing this review) and I get to come home to this man- preparing dinner for me:

I’m one lucky (and very happy) gal:

Home Sweet Home

1 Apr

Last year at Easter I was spending time with my family, going to church, and enjoying some tasty Southern food. I remember one family event in particular in which my computer was glued to my hip because my favorite soldier was still deployed to Iraq and chatting online was our primary means of communication. I was having a late lunch at my Nanny’s when that alien-like Skype ring sounded from the speakers of my computer into the conversations of all those around. Everyone turned to see what was making the alarming noise, but not me, I jumped into action to catch the video chat with Captain J. Unfortunately, I had very little service in the house so in order to get to talk, I had to go outside. I remember it vividly–it was a beautiful spring day. I didn’t mind having to go outside. Anyway, I swooped my computer into my arms and took off to talk to my man. I was so glad I would get to see him on Easter Sunday. Knowing that my guy was safe and sound was a gift from God. We chatted and laughed and reconnected awhile, but I started to lose service so I wanted to get closer to the main road where my car was parked in hopes of not loosing our Skype call. There I was in a dress and heels running down a grassy hill near a creek with computer in hand and webcam powered on when my shoe sunk into the grass and I plopped tummy first onto the ground. Embarrassed, I brushed myself off and looked up to the window of the house to see if anyone witnessed that moment. Sure enough, most of them were watching. Oh well, ya can’t say I wasn’t devoted! I regained service coverage and finished up our conversation with a goofy smile on my face and a little dirt on my new Easter threads, but lots of hope for spending the next Easter holiday with my man.

And here we are! It’s hard to believe it’s been a full year since then. Life passes so quickly! I know I’ll miss my loved ones back home on Sunday, but I’m happy to be with my husband, too. Now, I look forward to the day when we can all be together. We don’t have plans this year to celebrate except, of course, attending a church service. Perhaps we’ll color some Easter eggs or maybe we’ll take Drifter on the puppy egg hunt going on in town. Who knows? But the real reason for Easter won’t escape my mind. I’ll continue to be amazed at how God blessed me when he sent his Son to suffer on the cross only to rise from the dead and live in me again so that I may have eternal life. I won’t dismiss how he blesses me even still today–For this year, my soldier is home. Home Sweet Home.

(P.S.- To those of you I fooled on facebook, I’m somewhat sorry! I thought changing my birthday would be a funny April Fools joke, but then I saw everyones sweet wishes and I felt bad. haha This is why I’m not a trickster 🙂 )

Adios Hotel, Hello Home

28 Jan

One would think that the moving process would be bittersweet. Shouldn’t I reflect back on first walking through the door of our Home Sweet Hotel? Ehh, perhaps that will come later. In this moment, I feel like dancin’ a jig!

I’ve been packing up today and lemme tell ya…I’ve noticed a few items of J’s that I wouldn’t lose sleep over if they broke during the big move 🙂 For example:

Good grief. I don’t even know what that thing is! Haha. I think J’s brother Jesse got it for him on one of his many traveling adventures. (No offense Jess) I guess I just don’t see the beauty of it! 🙂

We are headed over to the new place tonight to get the keys. I’m so happy to be leaving this apartment. It’s a nice feeling to have our own furniture now. Purchasing pieces of furniture that we will have for many years to come is exciting. Who knows what bends and curves our lives will take with this new furniture? Who knows the places it will go? With the army involved, my bet is that it really gets around!

I rest well at night knowing I will only have to look at this a few more times ( if I could be so lucky) in my entire life:

Ahh, the “rug on a stick.” This was the very first decorative item I attempted to take down when I first moved us into the hotel suite. Cheap decorating tips at their finest. It’s truly hideous. Adios, rug on a stick!

Hello, home.

Knitting and Cabin Update

13 Jan

It’s another lazy day for me. I could get used to this! I have some household chores that I definitely should get to, but I will after I write this. I’ve been knitting today. It’s a fun new hobby for me. I just pick it up when I turn on the t.v. I don’t watch much television, though so who knows if I’ll ever finish the scarf. The first part of the scarf is loosely done, but it get’s progressively better as I go along. Here’s a picture of my progress thus far:

In other news, we’ve been aproved for the cabin! We are going to the realator’s office tomorrow to sign the lease and we are thrilled about it. It’s difficult to keep this small space (that we live in now) tidy because we really have outgrown it. It’s mostly all his army stuff that is difficult to organize. They issue so much stuff to him because of the cold climate here and he rarely uses any of it so it gets stuffed in closets and pelican cases all over the apartment and it all adds up. I’m looking forward to having a little more space. The cabin has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hottub, washer and dryer, fireplace, dishwasher, and a neat layout. Here’s a picture of the outside:

I look forward to sitting by the fire and reading a good book. I can’t wait to have a glass of wine while I sit in the hottub and look out into the Alaskan wilderness. It truly is goregeous here. I know a lot of my readers are from the military forum I’m a part of so I just want to say being stationed in Alaska isn’t the worst duty station you could get! It can be difficult with the extreme cold, but the beauty makes up for it tenfold!

A quaint cabin

11 Jan

With any luck, the days of hand washing dishes and having to walk outside in below zero temps to do laundry are over! Jordan and I have been shopping around for a cabin to rent. We are ready to be out of this apartment although, it has been good to us. We’ve saved money by staying here, but now that we’re married we can afford something that is a little more what we had in mind. We found a three bedroom cabin with a hot tub and fireplace in Fairbanks. Hopefully all goes as planned and we’ll get to move in by February.

Unfortunately, we found out today that his chain of command would like him to stay in Alaska for his full three years. A couple weeks ago, he received an email saying that he may be able to get into the Captain’s Career Course at Ft. Benning in March. We flirted with the idea of being back in the South really soon and decided he would try to get in the class. However, it didn’t work out which means we will be staying in Fairbanks until the end of this year. His next plan of action is to attempt to get into the September course. I’m praying that this option is available to us!

Yesterday, the hubs and I (and our neighbor and friend, JTD) went to church at Friends Community. We enjoy that church and are in a pretty good habit of going so long as we’re in town. There was a guest speaker on Sunday and his message spoke to me. He talked about the dynamic between God’s law and having an actual relationship with God. He gave the example of the adultress that the men were going to stone. Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” The law destined the woman to be judged and punished accordingly, but God’s love and mercy allowed her to be set free.  This is one thing I have a hard time grasping. I feel blessed way beyond what I deserve. God knows my every thought and action yet he still loves me unconditionally. What a great feeling! I’m going to start reading my bible more often. I want to make it an every day thing again. My life is so much sweeter when I’m not in control of it 🙂

Today marks the beginning of the job search. Wish me luck. Jordan says my days of mooching are over. Ha! I hope I am able to find something I like, but if not any extra income will be helpful. It will be nice to feel productive again, too. I would like to feel like I am contributing! On the other hand, the lovely cabin we are hoping to get looks really cozy and I bet I could get used to being a stay at home wife! I could stay busy cleaning that place, but I definitely would have to start cooking more to pull off that role! Hi ho, Hi ho it’s off to work I go. 😦

More later.