Tag Archives: (mil)ing it over

(Mil)ing It Over: Good Reads Edition

30 Mar

In a last ditch effort to ignore today, I signed in to Google Reader. When things aren’t all copacetic around here, I like to read about my bloggy friends and how they’re doing. It takes me to another place, much like reading works of fiction do. The first three blog posts I opened were about reading and/or books which reminded me, I haven’t participated in Jenn’s blog hop yet this week! You may have guessed that this week’s topic is all about Good Reads. I won’t be vlogging as I normally do because I don’t think you want to see this soon-to-be Mama minus the makeup and her sanity and a shower and with bloodshot eyes. Instead I’ll hide behind this glorious contraption that is my computer while you pretend I’m typing away, looking fabulous as I sip a fruity (non-alcoholic) drink, and living the good life. Can you do that for me?

Here are some questions:

1) What are you currently reading? I’m reading…

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini It’s pretty good thus far. I’ll be sure to update you after I’m finished.

2.) What is your favorite book and why? I can’t ever answer this question. There are too many novels, too many genres that I love. I think the Harry Potter series would have to rank pretty highly on this list, though. J.K. Rowling is a literary genius and if you still haven’t given ole Harry a chance- you should!

3.) What types of books do you like? For the longest time, all I ever wanted to read was Greg Iles. He writes psychological suspense. Yes sir- right up my alley. I also enjoy Nicholas Spark’s books, although I typically stay away from other authors who write the mushy, gushy lovey stuff. I like to read biographies, too.

4.) Do you read more than one book at a time? Sometimes I do. I don’t like to, though. When I read, I want to be totally immersed and interested in that one story and not have other plots confusing my train of thought.

5.) Do you use an e-reader? Nope. Not that I would be opposed to it while traveling, but I enjoy having the tangible pages to turn. I like seeing my progression through a novel instead of being told that “I’m 44% done…” Some of my favorite days are spent in libraries and book stores just browsing.

6.)How do you get your books? I’m a Barnes and Noble junkie. When I realize I’m poor, though- I start hitting up repeat book stores. I’ve been known to purchase literary treasures from Goodwill, yard sales, etc.

7.) Have you ever been part of a book club? Yes, very briefly- I participated in an online forum discussing a book that we had all collectively agreed upon. After reading, I looked forward to an in depth discussion about it or at least something a little more than “I like it” or “I think it’s dumb”. I typed out a lengthy, reflective post about the book and got no response. I was that nerd who put too much thought into it. I decided that wasn’t the book club for me. I like the idea of discussing literature among friends over a cup of coffee- nothing too homework-like and mildly thought provoking. If anyone wants to start an email/blog/forum book club, shoot me an email!

I haven’t read as much as I would like to this year. The last book I finished was Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. It might be my favorite of his as far as grabbing my attention goes. I really enjoyed it because it had the element of suspense mixed in with a real-life type of love story. For a full description, click on the link above.

Happy Reading! If you want to link up with Jenn she’d love to have ya!

(Mil)ing It Over: Entertainin’ Edition

23 Mar

Over at (Mil)ing It Over, we’re talking about How We Entertain Guests- “our tips, tricks, and go-tos”. If you’ve got some insight and want to share, head over there and link up with Jenn. Here’s what I know about entertaining…

The end.

Ok, I’m kidding. I might know a thing or two, but only because my mom is a social butterfly and usually has big parties at her house that she pulls off quite smoothly. Unfortunately, parties go a bit differently in my household. This is because I don’t usually take the initiative to create a guest list. I’m a follower usually unless a leader is required and no one steps up. Of Captain J and me, he usually makes decisions in our household (Now, whether they’re okayed is a whole other story 😉 ) and I’m content with that. Problem is, he gets these ideas for get togethers and springs it on me.

I like to be prepared. Prepared to me isn’t finding out the night before that several people are coming to our house the following evening. Prepared is not going to the grocery store an hour before our guests arrive, which is typically what happens around here.

This is totally and completely my dear husband’s doing. He enjoys cooking for people so he wants to do the food preparation himself. If it were me, I would have the food ready when people ring the door bell (or at the very least, I’d be putting on the finishing touches). J is different. He likes to start cooking after socializing with all the party go-ers. I’m learning to be more laid back in this arena, but I do try to at least have something for hungry people to snack on as we mingle!

Entertaining for overnight guests is a different ball park altogether here. I feel the need to always be showing them a good time, which is silly because close friends and family don’t need entertained, right?! I have found that being pregnant and entertaining for the weekend don’t really mix. I. get. exhausted. It’s ridiculous how tired I become. I usually have grand plans of making breakfast and dinner, but I usually just end up making only one. I’m no June Cleaver.

I’m definitely a Lucy Ricardo, Murphy’s Law kind of gal. That’s ok, though! I have accepted it.

One thing I can control when we have people over is a tidy house. I will be a cleaning machine up until the time our guests arrive. I like to have everything radiate a feeling of clean and welcome(ness?). It’s just how I roll.

How do YOU roll?

Go share your thoughts on the matter with Jenn, will ya? Also, for all you millies who are reading- Be sure to check out this awesome opportunity from the ladies at The Dating Divas. If you qualify, you could be chosen for a giveaway for you and your serviceman.

P.S.- My French teacher in high school used to always tell the class to “quit entertainin’ now” when someone was acting up. It was cute. So, Ms. Harris- this post title is for you.


Career Vlog (and a Mrs. K announcement)

14 Mar

Mondays are good for blog hops, aren’t they? I recorded this vlog for (Mil)ing It Over at Chances I’m Taking, but I thought it would be applicable for Military Monday, as well. Spouses, I would love to hear what you all have to say about your career struggles and triumphs! Please head over to Jenn’s page to link up your experiences there. And also, if you’re feelin’ frisky- head to Candace’s page to link up any recent military related post there. Have a great day!

I’m at that age…

7 Mar

Today’s topic is:

I’m at that age when…

*I watch college football and it slowly crosses my mind that these people are younger than me. Some are even 6 or 7 years younger and that just makes me feel all icky inside.

*I watch the Real World and think, “Kids these days!”

*I still think of myself as 23 then I quickly think 24 until I finally arrive at 25. Mid twenties…weird.

*I get excited over new cleaning products.

*I am still enjoying playing house with my husband, but I’m sure all the responsibility will sink in when Baby arrives!

What point are you at in your life? Link up with Jenn at Chances I’m Taking!

(Mil)ing It Over: Cookbook Edition

28 Feb

Howdy partners! It’s (Mil)ing It Over time. This week the  topic is cookbooks. Before I get to that, though, I wanted to fill you in with why I might not post as much this week. I’m one busy gal! Between researching online schools, finishing up my essays for a book I was asked to help with, and writing a special for ABC scheduled to post this Friday, I’m running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. Too much? Sorry, I’ll just get to the point. I’m glad you’re here. Please feel free to participate in (Mil)ing It Over by heading to Jenn’s page and linking up. If you don’t want to vlog it, don’t fret! A written post is fine, too.

Thanks for watching! And don’t forget to come back on Friday to see the big reveal for my thoughts on a new show that is airing on ABC very soon!

(Mil)ing It Over: 1950’s Housewife?

23 Feb

Head over to Chances I’m Taking to link up!

(Terrifying screen freeze. Thanks, YouTube.)

Military Spouse Stereotypes

7 Feb

After recording, a male spouse of a marine, reminded me of another stereotype: that “spouses of service members are all wives”. Let us not forget the husbands who put up with all the stuff the military dishes out to their families, too!

What have I left out? We’d love to hear from you! Please link up over at Chances I’m Taking. If you don’t wish to vlog, then that’s okay, too!

Also, I’m choosing to link up for Military Mondays over at Army Wives Lives. Do you have a recent military related post? Link up and hop around to see what everyone else is talking about this lovely February Monday. Have a great week!

(Mil)ing It Over- Do you get homesick?

1 Feb

Wanna play along with us this week? Link up with Jenn!

EDIT: She got the linky up and running. Hip, Hip, Hooray!

(Mil)ing it Over: Wedding Edition

25 Oct

As, promised in the video, here are some pictures from our special day along with a blog post describing it- You Can Call Me… 

Ahh, those just take me back. I can’t believe we’re already coming up on our one year anniversary in a couple of months!

Be sure to check back in as I add the other links of the bloggers who participated!

Chances I’m Taking

A Hapa Girl and Her Hapa Family

(Mil)ing It Over- Media Portrayals Edition

11 Oct

If you haven’t seen (Mil)ing It Over before, Welcome! If you’re an oldie but goodie, Welcome Back! This week’s topic was influenced by an email that the newly wed MRS. Jenn received last week. I hope you will give us some feedback on what you think about the topic, as well. We welcome emails and comments on the matter. Be sure to visit the blogs of those who participate and go congratulate Jenn, will ya? Now, without further ado-

And now for the links this go round- (as usual, I’ll be adding more links throughout the day)

Flip Flops and Combat Boots

ACU’s, Stiletto Shoes, and Pretty Pink Tutus

Sailor’s Sweetheart

Chances I’m Taking

G.I. Joe’s Wife


Boy (or girl), do I have a story for you! Tomorrow I’ll be regaling you with tales of our trip to the Arctic Circle. Talk about cold!

Oh, and one more thing! Click here to see the DWTS episode I was referring to in my vlog. Have a happy day!