Tag Archives: card making

Spread the Love

10 Feb

I got a couple of emails asking for creative date and gift ideas for Valentine’s Day. I was drawing a blank for the longest time. It’s difficult to come up with something fun and new when I follow this amazing blog that does all the thinking for me – The Dating Divas.

At their blog, you may find cute ways to make your man feel special- like this:

If you’re into card making (and who isn’t on Valentine’s Day?!), here’s a super cute idea

Or browse around their Romantic Rendezvous section to find a perfect date night for you and your hubby. The divas provide printouts for a lot of the dates and crafts so you really don’t have to spend much time making what you’ll need. These are quick and easy!

Like I said, I was just drawing blanks. I’m not feeling very creative! I stressed over what I would do for Captain J. He really is so hard to buy for because if he wants something- he just gets it himself. I really have to concentrate to be thoughtful! ha. Anyway, as I mentioned yesterday, Captain J and I are spending a romantic weekend in Savannah for Valentine’s Day so we didn’t want to spend too much on gifts. I decided I would get him a few small things to let him know I was thinking of him:

This, he’ll love. Because our Alaska fishing supplies won’t really be efficient here in the south, I decided to update his tackle box. I bought a cheap container and filled it with lures that I thought might be helpful. Now, he might be headed back to the store for something totally different, but it’s the thought that counts, right? I don’t know what happened to using live bait or food, but whatever! I included the receipt in case he might want to exchange.

I used rubber stamps on a lot of these gifts because my cricut bit the dust. I’m really annoyed with it! It just stopped cutting. Has this happened to any of you? It goes through the motions but the blade doesn’t extend. What a time for it not to work! Hmf!

The next crafty idea I cannot take credit for.

I got ideas from this “Bottle of Love” project found here:

For Captain J’s bottle, I used pink and red starbursts and pink and red kisses. He’s not into sweets so I’m guessing he’ll share the chocolate with me and he’ll take over the chewy fruity treats!

I also wrapped up a few other treats-

The kiss me package is cherry chapstick. I provided a ring (pop) because I know he’s going to want me to marry him all over again after I give him fishing supplies for Valentine’s Day.

And there you have it! I plan on buying a few other practical items to slip into the bag (Isn’t that bag too cute? I got it on clearance for 77 cents!) and also making his Valentine card, but I haven’t done that yet. This is all I’ve got so far. Anyone have any bag stuffer suggestions? I’d be all ears.

For more tutorials visit Erratically Elizabeth’s post Tutorial Tuesdays.

Thanks for viewing! I hope these links help. Spread the love!


A Halloween How To

28 Oct

Howdy partners! You were probably expecting the second half to my New Zealand story today, weren’t you? Well, tough cookie. You see, my computer (where all the photos for that post are located) is acting all finicky so I’m afraid that post will have to wait until I can get the problem fixed. In the meantime, I’m posting from Captain J’s wonderful computer (Note: you have to pet and praise your computer often if you want it to keep cooperating with you). Anyway, in the spirit of Halloween, I thought I’d spread some halloween cheer with you and show you the cute lil card I made for my hubby.

I found this idea somewhere, but I couldn’t remember where so I decided to make my own version of it. I took some photos each step of the way and I’ll try to be as specific as I can with directions, but I’ll be honest…I was wingin’ it.

First, take an 8×8 portion of card stock paper and fold it in half (like a hotdog, please).

Then, cut out two black circles and two white ones.

Place the black circles towards the bottom of the white ones (to make them look like eyes) then cut the remainder of the extra paper off.

Then get some white card stock paper and cut strips of white for a mummy look. Don’t worry about them being even or the same size or anything like that because HEY, no mummy’s perfect. 😉 hehe

Paste or glue the strips onto the card at an angle.

Next add the eyes…

Then you’ll want to add some writing to the front side of the card. I used my handy, dandy cricut again, but if you don’t have one then simply writing in fun letters would be cute, too.  I cut out letters that said, “Some Mummy…”

and on the inside, “…Loves You”

And Voila! Isn’t this the cutest thing you’ve seen in your whole life?

Okay, maybe not the cutest, but it’s up there! 😉 I hope you enjoy Halloween! It’s Drifter’s birthday so you can bet your cutie patootie we’ll be celebrating!


Tickets and Toys

17 Aug

I’m sitting at my kitchen table listening to a Chattagnooga, TN radio station and getting very excited about going home. I miss that accent! In my last post, I told you that I have more news to share so here I am with it:

I’m going home! I’ll be making the dreadful flight from Alaska to Home Sweet Home and should be in at the beginning of September. I’ll be home for about a month as Captain J goes off to some intense training- also down South. I won’t get to see him graduate (if he makes it) and I won’t get to hear his voice for the whole time he’ll be gone. That’s the hardest part- not knowing how he is, what he is doing, or when I’ll talk to him again. I’ve never gone a whole month without hearing from him since we met…even during deployment. I hope I’ll hold up well. More importantly, I hope J holds up well. This school is really trying so I’d love it if you’d send up some prayers for him. I know he’ll make it through the process if that’s what God wants for this family. The outcome of this school will determine when we leave Alaska so obviously we’re hoping for the best, but I just want him to be safe while he’s there.  That’s the most important thing on my mind.

In other news, we’ve gone a little loco with spending money recently. We were saving for a new truck so when we accumulated over half of the money, we went shopping. Captain J We are the proud new owners of a Ford F350 crew cab gas guzzler.

Tree Huggers- Forgive us. We love it, although I’m not sure the feeling will last when we drive from Alaska to Georgia in the coming months. It might, though because it is so spacious and sparkly clean inside. It’s a nice upgrade and should be paid off within the span of a few months. Maybe then we can start saving again. I know I want to be thrifty in order for me to be able to see one of my best friends get married in Greece next year!

I don’t know if J was feeling guilty for spending all that money on his toy, but after we got the truck he surprised me with a Cricut! I finally feel like a real crafter now (Think Pinocchino and “a real boy”). I can’t describe how much I love this thing already! I decided I was going to make all our Christmas cards this year. Lofty, huh? Anyway, I’ve already gotten started. Here’s what I’ve come up with this morning:

I’m new to making cards. Sometimes I don’t take the time that I should and it comes out looking like a small child’s piece of work albeit a very gifted child. 😉 As I continue crafting, I hope to get better. I’d also like to take a look at different layout ideas and such. The above card was just something I started cutting and pasting. Perhaps next time I’ll have something more impressive to show!

Stay tuned for that and another post about this past weekend and how I totally laid eyes on a famous rapper in the airport…


Father’s Day Love

20 Jun

Let me tell you a little something about the men in my life ( a few of them anyway…)

My dad is the coolest. Seriously, he is. He’s one of those dads that has wise words for me, advice, and a shoulder to lean on but he’s also loads of fun to be around. He’s funny and he’s the guy that people are just drawn to. When I think about my childhood, I realize how blessed I am now to have this man in my life…more than that–as my dad. 

Here’s my dad with my purdyy stepmom after running a marathon. Yeah..they’re rockstars.

I also married into a really great family…therefore I inherited the best father-in-law a girl could ask for. He’s intelligent, caring, humorous, and also fun to be around. One time, when Captain J was deployed, he talked me through an alcohol/crazy-in-love induced crying fit so you know he’s gotta be a good one. Not many can handle the stress of irrational, deployment Mrs. K!

Here he is with my lovely mother-in-law (and then another on his sailboat):


And I’m also lucky to have my stepdad in my life. I’m so thankful to him for loving my mom (and my sister and me!) and making her happy. He has taught me so much in my short life and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for him.

My radiant mother and him on their wedding day-

I’m just as happy as a lark (I’ve always wanted to say that) to have these father figures in my life. I truly am the most blessed woman in that department.

Happy Father’s Day y’all! I love you very much.

Need some card ideas for your dad? Use mine as your guide…


Much love,


26 Jan

I became frustrated today with internet scams. I spent so much time searching for a job, critiquing and editing cover letters, and filling out applications only to find out half way through the process that many of them were fake job postings on craigslist. Grr 😦 I was clued in when they told me what to set my password as. I quit filling out information after that, but not before I had already given them my phone number. Unfortunately, I received two solicitation phone calls- one at 3:14am and another at 4am. Then the text messages started….really?!

Oh well.

I made more cards today.

Then I felt better.

Tonight Jordan and I are having pizza and settling in for the Biggest Loser. Something isn’t right here? hehe Anyway, we are moving on Thursday! I cannot tell you how excited I am. And when we get settled into our new place, I’m getting back into my routine of working out. Hold me to it!

Looky What I Made…

25 Jan

I couldn’t help but to create some Valentine’s fun today. I don’t have much else to do and making cards is something I enjoy. I just don’t do it enough. Here’s an example of one of them:

I’m still pluggin’ away on the scarf I’m making. Pics to come with that!

Also, wish me luck–the job search continues!