Tag Archives: creativity

Christmas Craft Part 2

3 Dec

Today, I learned I’m no Martha Stewart.

I saw this cutesy pin on Pinterest from Ms. Stewart’s website:

And it looked so easy I just had to give it a whirl. I didn’t plan enough and well, my ornament was a big fat fail. The hot glue I decided to use peeled right off in no time and the pretty paper fell to the floor along with the pine needles from our live tree. Oh, well. Maybe I’ll put a little more effort into in next time. Still, I hung the cookie cutter on our tree because we’re still trying to fill the many branches of our perfectly humongous tree.

It’s looking a bit bare toward the back of the tree, but we’re working on it.

I do love an over-decorated tree, ya know? Or is there such thing?

Anyway, not one to quit crafting before I created something lovely I like…

I made this snowflake ornament-

I just cut up large strips of Christmas(sy) scrapbook paper and arranged them inside a plain glass ornament with my pinky finger. Talk about decorating on a budget!

(I know what you’re thinking- “She wasn’t talking about decorating on a budget. Awkward.”)

I also used what’s around me to my advantage. There are pine cones all over my yard so I’ll definitely be putting them to good use in the future, too.

Have fun creating, y’all!

Christmas Craft

24 Nov

If you like my page on facebook, you probably already know that I’ve been Christmas crafting! I become a giddy little school girl at the mention of Christmas and all its possibility. Throw in pinterest and I’m in Heaven. I saw several pins with ideas to repurpose old wine bottles. You know I’ve got lots of those! I found some cutesy stuff, but nothing really inspired me. I had so much fun creating these for Halloween-

that I knew I wanted to paint more wine bottles for the most wonderful time of the year. Because nothing says Christmas like old booze. I’m kidding.


I thought it’d be funny to stuff Santa head first into a chimney:

…so that’s what I did. I’m no artist, but I had fun creating ๐Ÿ™‚

More Christmas cheer to come.


Mrs. K


21 Oct

Not much has happened in our neck of the woods. We’re enjoying (slightly) cooler weather by breaking out our sweatshirts only to shed them by noon when it’s in the 80’s again. There have been a couple of times that the temperatures have dropped to the forties at night and we’ve snuggled around a fire (Hey! Any excuse for some fire therapy is okay by me). In fact, that’s what we’re doing right now–enjoying some hot cider with a fire nearby.

Fall is my favorite season. I love to watch the beautiful colors come out. Sadly, there’s not much of that here in Louisiana, but we’re able to celebrate fall in other ways. For example:

Do yourself a favor and whip up some pumpkin muffins. Just mix a can of pumpkin with a box of spice cake mix and voila! Yummy fall treat.

Last night I watched a friend’s little one while she went to a concert at Ft. Polk. Her daughter and I had loads of fun creating fall decorations with paint!

Speaking of lazy fall days, I’ve even been able to catch up on some reading. It’s been amazing to be able to read books that I actually want to read. I had a week off from school this week and it has been glorious. My grades from last semester came in and I’m happy to report that the 4.0 still stands! For those of you who don’t know, I’m an idiot occasionally scatterbrained and turned in the wrong paper to my professor. Graciously, she allowed me to re-do it and still gave me a perfect score. Originally, she only gave me 20 points out of 200. I was so relieved with my new grade because otherwise I would have failed the class, dropping my GPA dramatically. Next class starts on Monday and I still haven’t received my school books. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I’m going to be behind in the first week. It seems like I’m constantly behind now. It could have something to do with this little guy who is as cute as ever these days:

Completely worth it, though. I cannot tell you how much I love these bottles. After writing this post the other day, I randomly decided I would give nursing (directly) another try. I haven’t breast fed Baby K this way in over a month, but tonight I was in pain from hyperlactation and he was ready to eat so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try. I was sure that there was no way he would accept this form of feeding again, but he did. I was so happy! This gives me much more flexibility and I attribute it all to Tommee Tippee (and the brilliance of my small son) ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m now feeling much better and I think he is, too. He doesn’t seem to have belly troubles after feedings now, although he still spits up a bit.

I realize I just gave you a yummy recipe and then talked about baby puke in the next breath. I think that makes me a mommy blogger officially?

Stick around, y’all. One day I’ll post something riveting that will blow your mind. It’s just not today.

Dark DIY Decor

12 Oct

Seriously, how cute is this?

On Monday, Captain J had the day off so I was able to get some crafting done. I had so much fun. Dork?

The only thing I purchased was black and white paint. I had the rest of the stuff laying around the house. That means you probably do, too so get to crafting!

I just really super duper love Halloween.

Halloween Crafts and Costume Ideas

11 Oct

Y’all know how I love Halloween, right? I do, I do, I really really doooo! To get in the festive spirit, I thought I’d direct you to a few posts I made last year for your viewing pleasure…

Are you crafty? Suppose you want to be? Here’s a cute idea for a “Some mummy loves you” card I put together. Directions are here. It’s perfect for your hunny or your child!

Maybe you need a super easy and cute costume idea? Look no further, people:

It’s Cindy Lou Who! All you need is some wire, longish hair, a ribbon, a foam cylinder or triangle, and some cute PJ’s (Post here).This was awfully cute and precious, but I decided not to be Cindy Lou Who after this. I was feeling much more bad to the bone so instead I came up with this:

Goodwill is my friend this time of year (Post here).

I’ve been a great many things over the years including a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader:

a California Raisin, the Road Runner, witches, princesses, football players, a genie, and many other things.

I’ve been trick-or-treating for about 25 years now and I’m afraid my time has come to an end (for now anyway). This year our plans are to stay at home (dressed up of course) and hope that all sorts of little munchkins come knocking on our door for candy. I guess I’m growing up as much as I hate to. I can still have fun, though! So here’s my question to you, what should Mrs. K’s clan be for Halloween? Any ideas?

We need some creativity!

P.S.- Stay tuned tomorrow for a post showing my latest creative adventures. I repurposed items found around the house to make a super cute Halloween entry way!

growing on me

28 Aug

There are some days when I think that we miraculously have the most well-behaved, happy baby in the world. There are others when I feel so helpless because I can’t get him to sleep or he is screaming and I can’t figure out why. It breaks my heart to feel like I can’t help him. The last twenty four hours have been like that. He actually slept great after he finally went down for the count, but the hours between 10pm-1am were dreadful. He couldn’t be consoled. Now, he’s been awake all morning which is fine since he isn’t complaining too much. I just worry about him. All the books I’ve read said that the parent is to teach the child how to sleep and I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of that. Perhaps he is just getting older and experiencing more awake time. Let’s be honest…I don’t know. I’ve never done this before.

Anyway, we have had some pleasant moments over the last few days.

Friday I got the notion that Baby K needed a mobile and by golly I was going to create one for him. Ft. Polk is devoid of craft stores (insane!) so I was left to use whatever I had around the house. I had dreams of beautiful, perfect mobiles as I perused Pinterest, but my little rinkity ole mobile just didn’t measure up. It’s not terribly unfortunate looking, though so I hung it up anyway. Besides, it’s growing on me.

That’s not the only thing growing on me! Just take a look at this little scholar:

Reading already! Sorta. We have added this activity to his nightly bedtime routine. Ignore the blurriness. A certain Captain J still hasn’t taught me how to use his fancy camera. Back to Baby K…He had his two week appointment last week and he has already gained over a pound. Mama was so proud! I had to limit myself from updating facebook to let the world know because I’m pretty sure no one cares, but his Mom and Dad were definitely impressed with the way he’s thriving ๐Ÿ™‚

Now if you’ll excuse me, I must do some house work. I folded a blanket earlier and three dust bunnies flew. Eek!

Spread the Love

10 Feb

I got a couple of emails asking for creative date and gift ideas for Valentine’s Day. I was drawing a blank for the longest time. It’s difficult to come up with something fun and new when I follow this amazing blog that does all the thinking for me – The Dating Divas.

At their blog, you may find cute ways to make your man feel special- like this:

If you’re into card making (and who isn’t on Valentine’s Day?!), here’s a super cute idea

Or browse around their Romantic Rendezvous section to find a perfect date night for you and your hubby. The divas provide printouts for a lot of the dates and crafts so you really don’t have to spend much time making what you’ll need. These are quick and easy!

Like I said, I was just drawing blanks. I’m not feeling very creative! I stressed over what I would do for Captain J. He really is so hard to buy for because if he wants something- he just gets it himself. I really have to concentrate to be thoughtful! ha. Anyway, as I mentioned yesterday, Captain J and I are spending a romantic weekend in Savannah for Valentine’s Day so we didn’t want to spend too much on gifts. I decided I would get him a few small things to let him know I wasย thinking of him:

This, he’ll love. Because our Alaska fishing supplies won’t really be efficient here in the south, I decided to update his tackle box. I bought a cheap container and filled it with lures that I thought might be helpful. Now, he might be headed back to the store for something totally different, but it’s the thought that counts, right? I don’t know what happened to using live bait or food, but whatever! I included the receipt in case he might want to exchange.

I used rubber stamps on a lot of these gifts because my cricut bit the dust. I’m really annoyed with it! It just stopped cutting. Has this happened to any of you? It goes through the motions but the blade doesn’t extend. What a time for it not to work! Hmf!

The next crafty idea I cannot take credit for.

I got ideas from this “Bottle of Love” project found here:

For Captain J’s bottle, I used pink and red starbursts and pink and red kisses. He’s not into sweets so I’m guessing he’ll share the chocolate with me and he’ll take over the chewy fruity treats!

I also wrapped up a few other treats-

The kiss me package is cherry chapstick. I provided a ring (pop) because I know he’s going to want me to marry him all over again after I give him fishing supplies for Valentine’s Day.

And there you have it! I plan on buying a few other practical items to slip into the bag (Isn’t that bag too cute? I got it on clearance for 77 cents!) and also making his Valentine card, but I haven’t done that yet. This is all I’ve got so far. Anyone have any bag stuffer suggestions? I’d be all ears.

For more tutorials visit Erratically Elizabeth’s post Tutorial Tuesdays.

Thanks for viewing! I hope these links help. Spread the love!


afternoon images

4 Nov

I think there’s something I’m supposed to be doing. I wonder what it is. I keep getting images of boxes, huge trucks, sharpies, and chaos. I’m ignoring those, though. Instead, I focused on these for the afternoon-

I know there’s something I’m supposed to do. I don’t think it’s scrapbooking, though. I could be wrong.

Please send help.

A Halloween How To

28 Oct

Howdy partners! You were probably expecting the second half to my New Zealand story today, weren’t you? Well, tough cookie. You see, my computer (where all the photos for that post are located) is acting all finicky so I’m afraid that post will have to wait until I can get the problem fixed. In the meantime, I’m posting from Captain J’s wonderful computer (Note: you have to pet and praise your computer often if you want it to keep cooperating with you). Anyway, in the spirit of Halloween, I thought I’d spread some halloween cheer with you and show you the cute lil card I made for my hubby.

I found this idea somewhere, but I couldn’t remember where so I decided to make my own version of it. I took some photos each step of the way and I’ll try to be as specific as I can with directions, but I’ll be honest…I was wingin’ it.

First, take an 8×8 portion of card stock paper and fold it in half (like a hotdog, please).

Then, cut out two black circles and two white ones.

Place the black circles towards the bottom of the white ones (to make them look like eyes) then cut the remainder of the extra paper off.

Then get some white card stock paper and cut strips of white for a mummy look. Don’t worry about them being even or the same size or anything like that because HEY, no mummy’s perfect. ๐Ÿ˜‰ hehe

Paste or glue the strips onto the card at an angle.

Next add the eyes…

Then you’ll want to add some writing to the front side of the card. I used my handy, dandy cricut again, but if you don’t have one then simply writing in fun letters would be cute, too. ย I cut out letters that said, “Some Mummy…”

and on the inside, “…Loves You”

And Voila! Isn’t this the cutest thing you’ve seen in your whole life?

Okay, maybe not the cutest, but it’s up there! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope you enjoy Halloween! It’s Drifter’s birthday so you can bet your cutie patootie we’ll be celebrating!


Dating on a Budget

19 Oct

I’m a firm believer in dating your spouse so married people this post is for you, too! I was talking with a friend the other day about finances and about how we (along with our dear husbands) don’t budget very well. Captain J and I like to avoid staying out of debt so when money is running low our weekly date night tends to suffer. It doesn’t have to, though! I decided to use items throughout my house to create a fun way to spend time together. Seriously, I didn’t spend any money on this date- just a little planning and crafting on my part. So easy (and fun, too!).

Step One: Send your man a hint (and/or picture) in the middle of the day to his phone or email. Don’t be afraid to show a little skin ๐Ÿ˜‰ This is the perfect opportunity to flirt!

Next, leave an invite on the door or some place he’ll immediately see it as he comes home from work. I decided to make a referee type invitation with a leftover drawstring that fell out of a pair of his shorts while they were in the dryer (I’m a bit of a pack rat, but hey- it comes in handy sometimes!).

*This is too easy to make. I sketched a shirt shape on card stock paper. Then I found black and white paper and cut thin strips to glue on one right next to the other. Repeat until the shirt is full. Then I used my handy dandy Cricut to cut out a letter for the referree shirt. Punch holes at the top to add a drawstring or shoelace (or anything else sporty you may think of) to hang on the door of your home. On the flip side of this invite, I wrote: “Are you up for a game night? Bring it on!”


Then you’ll want to send him on aย trail throughout the house. I decided to only make two pit stops because I wanted our family game night to take place downstairs in the room he enters from the front door so I didn’t have much to work with. If you try this date, it might be fun to make a scavenger hunt type deal.ย 

*This paper is a scrapbook paper square that I cut in half and used as index type cards. Again, I used my cricut to number the cards, but you can use whatever you have available to you. Now, here comes the goofy(iest) part–Get creative on your clues, hints, or instructions. The easiest way to do this is to make it rhyme! On card one, I wrote: “Come on in, Babe-you’ve got a game to play. Don’t you dare ask me, I won’t give it away… Head over to the table to find what’s waiting there. Feel free to pull up a chair!”

That instruction sent him to card two that said, “Hey Soldier, you think you’re tough? Obviously, we haven’t played games enough! Take your pick, I’m going to win- over and over and over again! Don your uniform, dude- while I munch on this food.”

At this point, he was standing at our kitchen table when I presented him with his attire he was to wear (an Iraqi jersey) while he was surrounded with snacks I had thrown together. I just prepared whatever we had in our cabinets around the kitchen. Also all around him were choices of games: cards, Bananagrams, Scattergories, and Wii options.

Also, what is game night without some beer options?

There had to be a prize up for grabs, too which is why I created this:

Another cool alternative would be to go to a thrift store or goodwill and find old trophies people haveย donated. When I lived in Cookeville, itย was so easy to find a trophy and doctor it up to make it what you wanted it to be. You can pick those up for a fewย cents. Because Iย wanted to make this a completely free date, I didn’t do that but it would be too easy to do. Just cover up any engraving or writing that doesn’t fit your goal with different papers and designs that do!

*To make the aboveย award,ย imagine thoseย bright orange cones construction workers put on the side of the road. I cut out two of that shape and glued the very tips together. Then I added a star to the top andย a “Way To Go” message on the trophy out of regular construction paper. Where it opens at the bottom to hold it up, I wrote:ย “You’re a winner!”ย 

Captain J and I love game night. It’s good for us because I know he’s tired after work and sometimes all he wants to do is relax. By playing games together, we get to hang out and lay around the house and be lazy!

This date can easily turn into a couples date night, too. Challenge your couple friends to a game, create a scoreboard, and keep track of who is winning! This will allow you and your spouse (or significant other) to work together as a team to kick some butt! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or you could always do girls versus guys…that’s fun,too.

The most important thing is to simply have a good time. I think “date nights” often get a bad rap because they seem to some, one nightย during the week set aside for doting on your spouse as opposed to doing so all throughout the week. I am from the other school of thought that defines date nights as deliberate time set aside for just the two of you in order to ensure time together. During the week, it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress of work, school, or just life in general. Sticking to a plan of spending time together will help strengthen your relationship!

After all the game playing, we decided some smores were in order!

Yum, yum. Oh, and Captain J thought my little trophy I made was a hat. I guess that means I’ll just have to try harder next time. I’m not too concerned, though- in all fairness, he didn’t get a good look at it. I mean, as soon as I won game night, I snatched it right up! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy Dating!