Tag Archives: military mondays


18 Apr

Hi there! I just wanted to drop a quick note to all my readers about the exciting new somethin’, somethin’ I’m involved in! It’s a new website that just launched today and it’s called RealMilitaryWives.tv . If you enjoy my vlogs, you will like this new site. Go look me up over there and browse around to meet other military wives from all over.  Thanks for watching!

(And now, unfortunately, I have to get back to my regular scheduled programing- aka dog sitting and supper cookin’)

We’ll chat soon.


Mrs. K

Another see ya later-

11 Apr

I wanted to write a post for all our buddies deploying, you know who you are. There just aren’t many words I can say that could describe accurately the enormity of the situation so I’ll leave it short and to the point. Captain J and I are praying for your safety and you are on our minds. And for the loved ones you had to leave behind, I’ll remember them in my prayers at night, too. Stay safe and thank you for all you do!


Career Vlog (and a Mrs. K announcement)

14 Mar

Mondays are good for blog hops, aren’t they? I recorded this vlog for (Mil)ing It Over at Chances I’m Taking, but I thought it would be applicable for Military Monday, as well. Spouses, I would love to hear what you all have to say about your career struggles and triumphs! Please head over to Jenn’s page to link up your experiences there. And also, if you’re feelin’ frisky- head to Candace’s page to link up any recent military related post there. Have a great day!

Military Spouse Stereotypes

7 Feb

After recording, a male spouse of a marine, reminded me of another stereotype: that “spouses of service members are all wives”. Let us not forget the husbands who put up with all the stuff the military dishes out to their families, too!

What have I left out? We’d love to hear from you! Please link up over at Chances I’m Taking. If you don’t wish to vlog, then that’s okay, too!

Also, I’m choosing to link up for Military Mondays over at Army Wives Lives. Do you have a recent military related post? Link up and hop around to see what everyone else is talking about this lovely February Monday. Have a great week!

My Veteran

31 Jan

I’m so incredibly thankful and proud of that man. It’s easy to remember in our day to day lives how much military families are asked to sacrifice. What I tend to forget is how much my husband sacrificed individually. After all, while he was off in Iraq, I was exercising my freedom to get an education. I was sitting comfortably in my air conditioned home, surrounded by friends and family who love me. I forget that Captain J had little luxury for the year he was away. I forget that he took a year out of his life and decided he would spend it  in a war torn country, attempting to make beneficial changes there. I tend to forget because I like to think of that as his job. It’s something separate from me, right? But being in the military is so much more than just a job.  I’m really proud to be married to my veteran! This picture just reminds me that there are so many men and women currently serving overseas who are sacrificing their lives in some capacity every single day. Thank God for each of them!

P.S.- He’s not bad on the eyes either 😉

P.P.S- Link up your recent military related post here.

On Moving

10 Jan

It’s Military Monday again! It’s an interesting one, too because my soldier actually has the day off. His very first official day of MCCC was postponed due to the declared “state of emergency” that Georgia is in right now. That’s right, folks. Snow day on day numbero uno in Georgia! I swear, I believe we brought some snow with us because the south hasn’t seen this much snow in many, many years.

Today, I wanted to write about something that has been on my mind the past couple days- something you probably already know to be true. Here it is: Moving is hard. There, I said it. You all know I’m a pansy now.

I couldn’t wait to get to Alaska when I moved there to be with Captain J. He wasn’t even home from deployment yet, but I was excited about our lives together and the adventure we would find in AK. Fast forward to November 2010- I was ready to leave; I was happy about being closer to home. Many packed and unpacked boxes later, we’re finally here but I’m missing Alaska more than I thought I could. I wouldn’t trade my experiences there for the world. I learned so much about myself, about being in a relationship, about starting over, and about making new friends that I will always hold that time in our lives very near and dear to my heart.

Now, I suppose I must take what I learned there and apply it to life here in Georgia. I can’t complain. Everyone is so nice here; the southern hospitality has warmed my heart. I just miss my friends back in the Great White North and I feel as if I might not see them again. 😦 How’s that for dramatic?

note: some dear friends are not pictured here

Last night, Captain J and I had a chili dinner with our neighbors and had a really nice time. I know we’re going to like it here, but the adjustment phase is still upon us. This is just another reason why the military life can be quite difficult at times. Saying goodbye is never fun…and never ending in this lifestyle.

Want to share your experiences with the military on your blog today? Head on over to Armywiveslives.com and link up!



3 May

I never win anything! So I was super elated to hear that my writing was chosen over at ArmyWivesLives.com as the winner for the Military Monday Contest. You can find the prizes listed here. I’m just tickled pink! It really encourages me to keep writing, as if I needed more of that 😉 If you haven’t checked out Candace’s Page at Army Wives Lives, you should. If you’re a military spouse, it can be a fun and helpful resource for you. Also, I hope you’ll play along with us on Military Mondays and link up your military experience blog posts. Today, I thought I’d leave you with a rather humorous, slightly PG-13 entry…
Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

At the very first Army Ball I ever went to, Captain J and I were still “just dating.” This was bothersome to me because when I looked around at the beautiful women surrounding me- all dressed to impress- my eyes drifted down to their left hand to check their status. You know what I’m talking about. I was thinking, “Am I the only unwed woman in this entire room?” I was sure I was. For this reason, I wanted to look extra special that night. I wanted his eyes only on me. I had this girlish hope that when he saw me all dressed up, with make-up on, and hair swept up that he’d simply come to his senses and magically know without a doubt he wanted to marry me. Are you chortling yet? It gets worse…

We took a seat at a table at which I’m the only woman around. Captain J’s buddy leaned over and said, “Hey man, did you see the rack on so-and-so? Wow!”

I was slightly perturbed while waiting on J to reply with something dismissing this person’s chest, like he wouldn’t even consider looking at another woman. Instead of that comment, I heard:


Um. Did I hear that right? I just couldn’t believe that I had gotten all dressed up only to hear him talk about some other woman’s “impressive rack.”

After pouting for a good five minutes, Captain J began to realize something was wrong. When he asked me and I gave him the ‘don’t you know what you just said’ look he begins explaining to me that the “rack” on a uniform is where the serviceperson wears their medals which may, in fact, be impressive.

Boy, did I feel sheepish.

Army Wife Chronicles

26 Apr

I’d like to write something poignant about our military. I’d like to somehow express what these men and women go through both overseas and stateside. I’d like to share with you what it’s like to walk a mile in their shoes, but I can’t. I can’t because I don’t know exactly how it is and maybe you don’t either. Perhaps some of you have proudly served or are currently serving, but I would venture to guess that most of you who are reading today do not know what it’s like to be a United States soldier. That means you’re in my boat.

I do have the privilege of being married to a U.S. Army soldier, though so I do have a little corner in my brain reserved for all that I’ve discovered that goes along  with calling myself an Army Wife. I know I’ve shared with you some of my feelings on the benefits before, but if I repeat myself I hope you won’t mind. I try to steer clear of labeling military wives and families. I tend to cringe slightly when I read very detailed poems or literature on what it’s like to be a military spouse or girlfriend. They always seem to lump me into this pile of either Superwoman Army Wife Extrodinaire or poor, weepy, pining female. I am neither of those things, but I can tell you what I am…

Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

I am that wife who proudly displayed a cheesy bumper sticker that read: “Half my heart is in Iraq” while Captain J was deployed. I stuck that sucker right on my beautiful BMW and didn’t look back. I was so proud of my man and I wanted people to know. It kept him fresh in my mind as if he wasn’t already. It was an outward statement to all those on TTU’s campus (and everywhere else I drove) that I was taken. No question about it.

I am also the wife who truly doesn’t believe waiting is harder. Captain J’s job is trying on him and on his relationships. He takes months, years of his life and hands it over to the government to use as “they” see fit. I was somewhere back home fiddling on the internet, hanging with friends and family, and keeping myself busy as he was eating questionable Iraqi food, patrolling the streets for hours on end, and worrying if the next mortar would hit someone he knew. Yes, it’s difficult on me because he’s constantly on my mind, but he has the business of staying alive to attend to. His role is more important and I completely respect that.

I am not that wife who speaks Army. There’s really nothing wrong with that at all; I just don’t do it. I haven’t taken the time to learn many acronyms or even ranks and the difference between Battalion and Brigade (as you may have noticed in a previous post. I totally screwed that up.). Maybe I’ll get there one day. I’m new to this, ya know? I didn’t join the army so while I’m incredibly proud of my husband’s sacrifice, I don’t feel the need to know all about his job.

I am that Army wife who will passionately and loyally stand by her man at all times. The military can be hard on a relationship, but Captain J and I are figuring this all out as we go along. Trusting each other and believing in this marriage that God has made is the key that will make all of this work for us. So many times, we hear of all the cheating, the lies, and the scandal that goes on in military circles and families. Rarely do we hear of those strong, hard working couples who make a military relationship work. There are many of us, though which is why I like to participate in memes, such as Military Mondays. I like to talk about and share with others the positive aspects of being involved with the military.

I could go on forever about various perks, but instead I’ll share with you one last exciting benefit of being an Army Wife. Time travel. Okay…not literally, but ever so often, I get to drift back to my high school days and re-live prom only with good food and tasty beverages included.  Going to the Army ball still has some appeal to me. I enjoy getting dressed up and dancing the night away. I like to put on makeup, fix my hair, and feel as pretty as I can. I delight in seeing Jordan in his dress blues with all his colorful accomplishments adorning his coat. I love walking hand in hand with my husband into a room full of his peers and feeling as if I’m the only person in the room because of the way he’s looking at me. That feeling? So. much. better. than. prom.

Here’s a few photos from Friday night-

We're so classy, just check out the wing sauce on our mouths for proof.

My lovely friend, Amy, and Me

Thanks for reading! Go check out armywiveslives.com to find and read other military family blogs. Happy Monday!

Chocolate Love

12 Apr

I wanted to participate in Military Mondays again because I think it’s an excellent idea,  but hmmm…what to talk about? I wasn’t sure until I looked down at the solid Dove chocolate Easter bunny I’ve been nibbling on for about a week now and was brought back to my favorite piece of chocolate that I ever received.
Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

I still remember what I had on that day: navy blue cargo shorts, a teal colored Banana Republic shirt, and my Sperry’s. Boat shoes for crying out loud…like I was going out to a breezy, fun summer day. I wasn’t going out boating, though. I was sending my soldier back to the Middle East, back to very little communication, and as far away from me as I could imagine. I was crushed.

We arrived at McGhee Tyson Airport where the nice Delta attendants allowed us to accompany Captain J to the gate to see him off. I was so thankful to have those few extra minutes to say goodbye. After going through security, Captain J had a few last minute gifts and souvenirs to purchase for his Iraqi interpreters so we spent most of that time browsing and waiting in line to pay. I clung to each moment daring to think, ‘What if this is the last time I stand beside him?’ and ‘Surely, this isn’t the last hug.’

I had already decided I would show him how strong I can be so I had decided not to cry. This decision lasted all of a minute or two until the loud annoucement rang through the speakers that his plane was now boarding. The inescapable reality of our situation hit me and I buried my face, hoping that I at least could keep the desperate gasps for air that always seem to accompany my tears at a minimum.

Captain J looked into my teary eyes and managed to get out a sweet goodbye even though he could tell I had completely fallen apart.

I’m not kidding. Everyone was staring. I was a mascara-ey mess. We had already made it seven months apart, what was four months more? It was an eternity, that’s what it was. I think Captain J felt that way, too but he was strong when I was not.

He reached into one of the many pockets in his ACUs (uniform) and revealed to me a milk chocolate candy bar. I looked on in confusion as he said, “I knew you were going to need this.”

My husband knows me so well! I often find comfort in chocolate so his gesture was perfect. Even though no amount of words, encouragement, wine, or chocolate could ease my fears, the fact that he was concerned for me and was planning for me when he had to go away gave me great comfort. He was going to make it. We were going to make it.

It didn’t take long for me to scarf down the yummy goodness, but its effects were long lasting.

Being in the military, we are often faced with distance between us but it only challenges us and our relationship. It allows us to come closer together, despite all the miles in between.