Tag Archives: blessings

“Finding the Good” Part 2

29 Nov

If you missed the first part of this story, you can catch up here.

Thanksgiving Day I woke up in a foul mood. Despite having the perfect little boy to spend my day with and a husband who is safely in country, I had my lame face on. Baby K was fussy and I desperately wanted some space, but I also wanted to be around J and K on this day. I was very back and forth and missing family back in Tennessee somethin’ awful.

We decided to go for a walk, then I decided to go for a run, just to get away and have my cry.

I turned on “Lady Gaga Radio” on Pandora and quickly realized how ancient I am because not only did I not know the songs that were playing, but I also only averaged 12 minute miles.

After the run, I sat in the car and felt sorry for myself that I wasn’t going to be eating turkey with my family on Thanksgiving Day.

Hubby and I had plans for Pizza Hut.

I started thinking about Thanksgivings past and I realized how completely absurd it was to categorize this year as a bad year. I have so so much to be thankful for. At the very tippy top of that list is the health of my sweet almost four month old!

Later on that weekend, J’s parents paid us a visit in Cajun Country. By Saturday evening, we had a Cajun flavored fried turkey on the table, along with mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, green bean casserole, gravy, bread, apple pie, and chocolate cobbler (I’m sure I’m missing something, too)! And wouldn’t you know it…Mama got to eat! Baby K was an angel all throughout our meal–and wide awake, too. It felt so wonderful to have my expanding family all at the table.

Of course, I missed my family, but it was so nice to spend the day with his.

My blessings are abundant and I’ve got pictures to prove it!

Cookin’ the bird
My In-Laws
Lazy, rainy Saturday celebration

Psalm 75:1 “We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks!
For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”

I lost count

19 Oct

Maybe it was the cool breezy air that made my heart smile. Perhaps I was coming off a high from fellowshipping with a great group of women at my Tuesday morning bible study. Or maybe I was delighting in the quiet moment of a car ride with my sweet infant son. It was probably a combination of these, but when I passed by the huge American flag, flapping in the wind and contrasted against a lovely rainy sky, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Over the next few moments, I reflected on how blessed I’ve been in life and how blessed I am today. Why has God smiled on me this way? I thank him daily for not treating me as I deserve (see Psalm 103:10).

I counted my blessings and lost count.

What a wonderful day.

(*Not my photo)