Mrs. K- shower ninja?

6 Dec

After a good study with the ladies at PWOC, a lunch with my hubby, and a drive home with my little darlin’ in tow, I realized…I should probably take a shower. I think it has been a day and a half. I know…ew. I hopped in the shower- all the while trying to convince Baby K that this was going to be SO MUCH FUN! I don’t think he was buying it, though as he was stretching out his legs, raising his arms and attempting to escape his bassinett. If he could speak, I’m sure he would have said, “Hold me, woman!”

Despite the challenges, I turned the water on to give it time to get warm.

With the rock-n-play pulled up to the door of my tiny bathroom, I began to wash all the dirt spit up off. With the help of the super loud yet soothing fan in the bathroom, my soon-to-be four month old drifted off to sleep within minutes. Oh, joy! A shower with no screaming. It must be my lucky day.

But then, I realized- How in the sam hill am I going to get out of this bathroom?

The bassinett was blocking my only exit. I turned off the water, dried off, and contemplated my exit strategy. Could I jump over? Probably not.

I could climb the sink. That seemed like an ordeal, though.

Finally, I quietly pushed the door back as far as I could get it, threw my phone onto the bed in the next room, and sucked in what the good Lord gave me. I still can’t believe I made it. There were only inches to work with. I felt like a ninja.

So, what did I do with the valuable alone time I was allotted today? I came to regale you all, of course! But now I think I’ll get to work on my blessings list for today. Happy Tuesday, y’all!

2 Responses to “Mrs. K- shower ninja?”

  1. Karen December 6, 2011 at 7:10 pm #

    Don’t you love being a ninja mom?? I’ve had to do some tricky moves like that too, it makes you feel great lol. What I wouldn’t give for a shower right now – our hot water tank is messed up now though 😦

    • Mrs. K December 7, 2011 at 12:10 pm #

      Oh my! No hot water makes for a yucky day .

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